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Update Your Website for Improved SEO

January 24, 2025
Scrabble tiles that spell "blog"

The single biggest mistake I see website owners make is that they get a website built, and then completely ignore it. Later, they wonder why their site isn’t ranking better in Google. 

Google likes updated websites. It likes fresh content. The algorithm wants to see an actively maintained website. So don’t put up a website and then think, “job done, next”. A website must be regularly updated in order to be effective.

How Often Should I Update My Website?

I would say at least twice a month, minimum. But even once a month is better than going for months or years with nothing new happening on the site. 

What Content Should Go On My Website?

Announcing a sale can be a good way to go. List any discounts or specials you are offering. A blog is an excellent way to update your website. If you don’t feel comfortable writing, there are a number of individuals that will write content for you (including yours truly). Infographics are great ideas. FAQs and other helpful information can also be added to your site if you don’t already have that available. 

I will make another post later this year providing a comprehensive list of ideas of things you can add to your website to improve your SEO.

If you need help with website maintenance and writing website content, get in touch!


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